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The Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture & lifeways is a small community museum located in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. It is an institution that is run by Anishinabe people of the Great Lakes region that seeks to enlighten and educate people on the rich culture, history, and heritage of the Anishinabe by having. 


In Spring of 2021, my Community Collaboration and Curation class continued its existing partnership with the Ziibiwing Center to show the awe inspiring and fruitful partnerships between cultural institutions, community partners, and cultural experts. For this course, I was placed on a team that was in charge of creating a recognition program for an Anishinabe Dance Circle class that was approaching graduation. Through immersion in the course and constant communication between the Ziibiwing Center team and ours, we created a presentation for the Anishinabe Dance circle graduation, a certificate of graduation, and we reached out to local pizza restaurants to award the students who were ready to graduate later that summer. 

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